As soon as you register, you must complete your information, you can do it from here.
Location: "Settings" - "Store" - "My Account" Tab
Name: This will be the name of your store in our MarketPlace. Avoid writing extensions like «.com» as they are not allowed.
Closed: You can indicate a period during which your store will be closed and therefore inoperative. You can use it for testing, vacations, or when order management exceeds your logistical capacity.
Description: A brief description of the store that will allow customers to get to know you a little better. This description will appear on your store profile, so it is advisable to indicate what you do and your strengths. It will not be valid to indicate the URL of your store or an external product list.
Shipping and Returns:
Country of shipment: The place from where you send the products to customers.
Return policy: Your return conditions. They must be at least as good as those offered by PcComponentes to its customers. We advise you to use this template to add it to the return policy within your account settings.
Additional Information:
Company Registration Data: Registration data in the Commercial Register. Book, volume, paragraph...
Store Visual Identity:
Logo: Attach your store's logo. It will appear on your store profile. Avoid having the logo indicate your website as it is not allowed.
Banner: Attach your store's banner. Avoid having the banner indicate your website as it is not allowed.
Change History
2024 |