Here we will show you how to manually upload an offer through the platform. This method is useful with a limited catalog. If, on the other hand, you have many items, use file synchronization.
Location: "Prices and stock" - "Offers" - Blue button "Add an offer".
In this section, it will give you the option to search for an item within its search engine. Type the product you want to offer and click on the blue button "Sell yours".
In the next window, the following fields will appear that need to be filled in:
Offer SKU: Enter your internal SKU. If you do not enter it, the system will assign one automatically. This could be useful for internal management and synchronizing your offers in the future through your own SKU.
Condition: Indicate the condition of the item. You can choose between new or our three available refurbished conditions.
Offer quantity: Add the items you have available for sale in stock.
Description: Fill in this field only to indicate the condition of a refurbished product. It does not need to be completed for new products.
Price: Add the price of the item including VAT.
Discount price: Add the final price with discount and its VAT included.
Discount period: Indicate the dates when the discount price will apply.
Here the information of the configured shipping time will appear.
Availability: Adjust the availability date of the item.
Quantity alert: The system will send you an alert when you have reached the quantity indicated in this field.
Internal description: You have the option to add a description only visible to you.
Price information: It is not necessary to fill in this field.
Logistics class: Indicate here to which logistics class the product you are uploading belongs.
EPR Category: This field is only filled in if selling in France.
Amount of the ecological contribution: This field, like the previous one, must be filled in to sell in France.
Free return: Indicate if you offer withdrawal at no cost to the customer in the dropdown.
Canon: Here always enter the number “0”.
VAT type: Always enter the number 21.
EPR Category: This field is only filled in if selling in France.
Amount of the ecological contribution: This field, like the previous one, must be filled in to sell in France.
Free return: Indicate if you offer withdrawal at no cost to the customer in the dropdown.
Canon: Here always enter the number “0”.
VAT type: Always enter the number 21.
When everything is done, click on the blue button "Create offer".